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Nexa3D are a collective of passionate additive manufacturing practitioners committed to sustainably digitizing the world’s supply chain. They make the world’s fastest polymer 3D printers affordable for professionals and businesses of all sizes. Nexa3D printers take current additive manufacturing speeds from ‘dial-up internet’ to ‘broadband’ 3D printing and can continuously print up to 8 litres per hour.

Nexa3D is deeply committed to sustainability. They apply circular economy principles in every phase of their design and delivery process by rigorously measuring and improving on what matters, minimizing process waste, reducing energy consumption per part and working with our customers to reduce their overall carbon footprint.

  • 17L build volume 275 x 155 x 400 mm
  • Best-in-class print size and speed
  • Low cost of ownership
  • Ideal for series production, same-day on-demand parts and prototypes
  • Wide range of high-impact functional materials
  • Build volume 275 x 155 x200mm
  • The fastest 3D printer for dental labs and end-use parts
  • Print at a speed of up to a model a minute thanks to the large build plate
  • 4K Resolution for accuracy and high feature detail
  • Wide range of high-impact functional materials
  • 8 litre build volume 190 x 120 x 170mm
  • High speed and simple workflow desktop 3D printer for rapid part production
  • Open material platform
  • Print at speeds of up to 180mm per hour

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